Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spinach and Garbanzo Bean Tapas

¡Delicioso! ¡Sabroso! ¡Mmm! Google translate tells me that's Spanish for Delicious! Tasty! Yum! All words that describe this Spanish dish, not to mention hearty and healthy. What more could you ask for?

Well, it's quite versatile as well. The original Smitten Kitchen recipe suggests serving it as a tapas with toasted bread (pita bread or chips would work too!). I have quite the affinity for tapas so that is certainly not a bad option! But you could also use it as a side dish, laying the foundation for a protein of your choice. Or serve it on top of a bed of spinach with some feta cheese for a light lunch. 

I followed the recipe fairly closely with this one, and I will warn you, it is a 
somewhat time consuming recipe. But plan to make extras so that you'll have some leftovers and it'll definitely be worth your effort, I promise. So grab your maracas and pour yourself (and me!) a glass of sangria because we're ready to party!

On a different note, I wanted to explain why my posts have slowed down just a bit lately... for those of you who don't already know, I'm going on a mission trip to Thailand in just over 6 weeks! (For more info, check out my site.) Fundraising, researching, planning, and preparing for this trip has taken over a good chunk of my free time. But I'm still committed to posting regularly so stick with me! Plus, one of the things I'm considering doing while over there is taking a cooking class, so I'll definitely have at least one amazing Thai food recipe for you at the end of all this. So get excited -- I know I am!! 

Spinach and Garbanzo Bean Tapas
(very mimimally adapted from Smitten Kitchen)

2 15oz cans of chickpeas, drained
4-5 tbsp olive oil
Large bag (11oz) of spinach
1 large slice of hearty bread, cubed
1/2 cup tomato sauce
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar
Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes to taste
Lemon juice, to taste

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pan. Add spinach and a pinch of salt and stir. Cook until tender and then set aside. 

Heat 2 more tablespoons of oil and toast the cubed bread until golden brown on all sides. Add cumin, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and garlic. If needed, add another tablespoon of oil. Cook for another minute.

In a food processor, blend toasted bread with vinegar until it forms a paste. Return to the pan and mix in chickpeas and tomato sauce. Stir until warmed through and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add in spinach and stir again. If the consistency is too thick, slowly add a little bit of water. 

Top with smoked paprika and serve as you please! 

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