Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Butternut Squash, Feta, and Spinach Salad

Here's a simple and tasty recipe that was inspired by my usual muse of "what do I have in my fridge that is about to go bad if I don't use it soon." Today, the answer was butternut squash. And honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by just how yummy this turned out to be! It's perfect for lunch, but could easily be bulked to make it dinner. 

Start out by chopping your butternut squash. I cut it pretty small so it would cook quickly and get a lot of that caramelization on the outside that makes it oh so tasty. I just put mine on aluminum foil so there's no clean up after. Next, season your butternut squash. Lightly coat with olive oil (I used my misto) and sprinkle with garlic powder, chili powder, cumin (one of my favorite spices for things like squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, eggplant, etc.), and salt and pepper. Then toss it in the oven to roast. I love the flavor that vegetables develop when roasted. Tomatoes = yum. Roasted tomatoes = banging. Red pepper = mmm. Roasted red pepper = amazing. You get the picture. 


While the squash was roasting, I put together the salad. A few handfuls of spinach made up the base. I topped this with a splash of balsamic vinaigrette, but you could use any vinaigrette you prefer. Dress lightly since you're going to be adding so many flavorful toppings. Next, I sliced and sauteed some onions and tossed those on there. In addition, I used feta, golden raisins, and sunflower seeds, but feel free to tweak as you please. You could use goat cheese instead of feta, dried cranberries or pomegranate seeds instead of raisins, or pepitas instead of sunflower seeds. Also, if you want to make this a heartier meal, throw on some cooked quinoa, farro, or another grain. Don't you love adaptable recipes? 

Once your squash is done roasting (it should be soft enough to easily insert your fork and beginning to get brown on the edges), throw it on top and enjoy!  


Butternut Squash, Feta, and Spinach Salad

1 - 1 1/2 c. butternut squash, cut into 3/4" cubes
Olive oil
Garlic powder
Chili powder
2 cups fresh spinach
1 1/2 tsp of vinaigrette dressing
1/4 c. sliced onion
1 1/2 tbsp feta crumbles
1 tbsp golden raisins
1 tbsp sunflower seeds

(With this recipe, measurements are just a rough guide; feel free to use as little or as much as you please!) 

Lightly drizzle or spray the squash with olive oil and sprinkle with the spices. Roast in a 450 degree oven for approximately 20 minutes. 

Sauté (or just microwave if you're short on time) the onion until it begins to become translucent.

Plate the spinach and lightly top with dressing. Top with feta, raisins, sunflower seeds, onion, and roasted butternut squash.

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